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How to Optimize your Website’s Footer

Reading time: 4 minutes

The bottom section of your website is called the footer. The footer is an important part of any good website. But how can you be sure your website footer is optimized for visitors?

Make sure to follow these 3 steps:

Step #1: What comprises your website footer?

When you want to place an element on your Webador website, you will see two different areas: the content area and the footer.

But what’s the difference between them?

The content area of your website is where you place content on a specific page. The elements you place here are only visible on that page. For example, if you place an image in the content area of the “About us” page, the image will be displayed on that page only.

Footer Webador

But when you place an element in the footer, that element is visible on all your website’s pages. This means you should only place content in the footer that you want to be displayed on every page.

So which elements would those be?

In most cases, this is where you place (links to) important information about your company. More on that in the next step.

Step #2: Determine the content of your footer

Certain information is important enough that it should be visible on every page, so it’s best to put that information in the footer. For example, consider the following:

1. Contact
Your visitors need a way to reach you, for example if they have questions. Place a link to your contact page or customer service page in the footer, so your visitors can quickly get in touch with you whenever they need to, no matter which page they’re on.

2. About us
You can also link to pages containing important details about your business, such as the “About us” page. This means you can hide the “About us” page in the main menu, which is ideal if you’re going for a minimalist look and feel on your website.

3. Product
What makes your product unique? Why should your target audience choose you over the competition? At Webador, for example, we describe how our platform helps website owners increase their findability online.

4. Payment information
If you have an online store, it can be helpful to visually display payment options. This contributes to building trust with your customers.

5. Social Media
Besides contact information, you may also want to include links to your social media pages so that visitors can follow you.

Footer webador

Step #3: Avoid these mistakes in your footer

Now that you know what the footer is and what information you can put there, let’s go into what you should avoid.

Mistake #1: Too many pages

Even though you can link to as many pages as you want, we recommend keeping the footer as organized as possible. Keep it to only the most relevant pages so visitors can easily find what they’re looking for.

Mistake #2: Wrong colors

The second mistake you’ll want to avoid is overthinking the color scheme. Make sure all information is easy to read by increasing the contrast between the text and background colors.

Mistake #3: No social proof

Another mistake we see often is not showing social proof. If you run a business, showing proof that you’re good at what you do is a great way to build trust. This proof could be in the form of reviews, for example. At Webador we do this too, by displaying real quotes from satisfied customers.


In this post you’ve learned how to optimize the footer of your Webador website. Now you know what content to put in the footer and what mistakes to avoid.

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